The groundbreaking project AH A MAY is an experiment that could only be done by Yamaha. In a bold undertaking, the company swapped design teams across its major divisions: designers who normally work on musical instruments would instead design vehicles, and vice versa. The resulting crossovers are a daring departure from tradition, and open unexplored avenues for both technologies.
The latest design in the project AH A MAY series, from Yamaha senior product designer Jose Gonzalez, is the Yamaha Electric-Power Assisted Bicycle. With a sleek style and distinctive finish, the bicycle is immediately attractive. But its true innovation lies in a revolutionary approach to power usage. The bicycle can be placed on a handsome recharging stand, and, when pedaled, it recharges itself. But the battery pack can also be removed from the stand and used to power other electric devices within the home.
The Yamaha Electric-Power Assisted Bicycle reconceives of electricity and human work as assets that can be stored and shared. It’s truly groundbreaking design thinking, embodied in pure style.