Words can have a bigger impact than weapons and violence. The Typewriter Guns series by artist Éric Nado explores this concept in a creative way. The artist uses vintage typewriting machines like Underwood or Olivetti and takes them apart, piece by piece. He then reassembles them into a completely different object – a gun. Thus, Nado puts the spotlight on the power of words and, consequently, on the way ideas can transform the world. Straightforward and thought-provoking, the conceptual sculptures encourage the viewer not only to pause and reflect on their meaning, but also to appreciate the intricacy of the design. If you want to buy one of these artworks, you can find them online at C.O.A. Gallery. Each has a price tag of $2,800. Most of the collection is already sold out, but art lovers can still find a few designs on the gallery’s website. Photographs© Éric Nado.