The Samurai Bike is a new ride by the Kyoto-based designer Kazushige Miyake, known in the world of two wheels for creating the Compact Bike for MUJI. Inspired by both the samurai and his weapon of choice, the katana, Miyake’s latest bicycle is strong and steeped in Japanese tradition.
The design features a handcrafted titanium frame and parts made of Ti-6A1-4V alloy. The frame was handcrafted by Japanese artisans using the “Ebikan” technique of welding small fan-shaped pieces. The resulting pipes are durable, lightweight, and smooth as a plate of armor.
Some of the other bike components were created with contemporary machinery. The steering column and rear end, for instance, were micro-lasered to achieve their respective cut and etched effects. These details make the road bike artful as well as tough, just like a skilled warrior.