Despite being named after Primo Carnera, known in the boxing ring as “The Ambling Alp,” the 1983 BMW R80RT Carnera isn’t a heavyweight motorbike. Designed by Emporio Elaborazioni Meccaniche, the Carnera has the long, lean build and exposed engine of its predecessor, the classic Ducati Scrambler. Reconstructing the Scrambler, however, the Carnera touts added nozzles, a brake pump, an accelerator, exhaust with a silencer, under-the-seat electrical components, and transparent tubes that allow you to easily monitor your fuel level on the go. The details have also modernized, with the front fender made of aluminum and the burgundy and cream details–another vintage nod–derived from Italian leather. The bike runs on various surfaces, from old-world roads to your own backyard. Don’t be afraid to drive off the paved path. We’re willing to bet the Carnera looks even more tough in the dirt.