united kingdom

united kingdom

united kingdom

united kingdom

united kingdom

Most Viewed

Courtyard House By De Rosee Sa Architecture Studio

When the owners of this plot of land bought it, they simply wanted to prevent the sit…

Woodpeckers by Ström Archit...

This two-story family retreat was completed in 2105 by Ström Architects, but before i…

The Cob

Located in Bude, a small and peaceful seaside town in Cornwall, England, this private…

Broad Street House

Built in a village in Suffolk, UK, but meant to look unmistakably modern, Broad Stree…

Albion Barn

Located in Oxford, UK, in the Conservation Area of Little Milton, Old Belchers Farm i…

A Contemporary Holiday Home ...

omewhere in the English countryside, there’s an inconspicuous building that hides a c…

Flat-Packed Furniture Assemb...

New from the London-based multidisciplinary studio Bright Potato, Peg is a line of fl…

Woodsy Beach House in Whitst...

This small getaway home is a handsome addition to the rows of beach houses in Whitsta…

Wooden Furniture by Pinch De...

The London-based studio Pinch Design debuted their latest collection of furniture at …

Sculptural Desk Reaches for ...

Magnus Celestii is a natural wooden desk that spirals up to the ceiling. Designed by …

Staff Picks

Segur Flat

Behind the Design: The Harmony of Without Thought with Naoto Fukasawa

Gray House

The Garden Pavilion

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