




Most Viewed

Unfolding Spaces: The Revolutionary IWI Folding Pod

An Innovative Folding Pod Design Born from the Interplay of Elegance, Adaptability an…

Priceless Milano by Park Ass...

Since the first universal exposition in 1851 in London, organised by Prince Albert an…

Jane Fonda-Kit House by Elii

True to its name, architecture firm Elii (“everyday life invents itself”) highlights …

Shoffice by Platform 5 Archi...

Shoffice takes the boring out of two ordinary concepts: shed and office. Platform 5 A…

Maison Cailler Chocolate Fla...

Founded by François-Louis Cailler in 1819, Maison Cailler has been crafting decadent,…

Rooftop Sauna by Bureau A an...

Just relax, step into this rooftop sauna in Geneva, Switzerland. It was created with …

The Plongeoir by SPRAY Archi...

The physical experience within the space of The Plongeoir lives up the its namesake, …

The Verbandkammer by Nilsson...

Remember jungle gyms from the playgrounds of yesteryear? In retrospect, those metal b…

Refuge in the Fjords of Pata...

The very tip of South America’s southern cone boasts some of the world’s most extreme…

The Alberschwende House by K...

The Alberschwende house’s architectural makeup consists of sleek lines and natural ma…

Staff Picks

Garrelis Farm

The HAY Wall Clock by Jasper Morrison

The Perched Huts

Duplex by Atelier ST

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