ping pong

ping pong

ping pong

ping pong

ping pong

Most Viewed

The NEDJ Ping Pong Table Collection

Creative ping pong tables that reinvent the classic game.
Largely unchanged since th…

The Lungolinea Wood Edition

The sleek glass ping pong table, now in a wood and alcantara version.
Located in Mil…

The Marshmallow Ping Pong Ta...

A table design that creates a play between solidity and flexibility.
With the rise o…

Pink Punk Table

Ingenious and unconventional, the new Pink Punk Table made by AtelierB revolutionizes…

Ping Pong Tables Handcrafted...

These ping pong tables take a turn toward the unexpected. Instead of being mass-manuf…

Le Beau Jeu: Table Tennis Ra...

Called “Le Beau Jeu,” this set of table tennis rackets was created by the young Frenc…

Combined Dining and Ping Pon...

This dining and Ping Pong Table shows that necessities and whimsy can go together. De…

You and Me Ping Pong Table

Squeeze in some play time between work: send an email, do a cartwheel; host a confere…

Staff Picks

A monolithic sculpture installed in an open-air atrium

House Tjurpannan

The LIGRE youn Espresso Machine

The Karman Atmosphere Lighting Collection’s Ode to Nature and Elegance

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