The Williamsburg Loft is a large ground-floor apartment renovated for a couple by Bro…
Designed and developed this past year by Dan Vakhrameyev, the SO8 lamp is a part of S…
The Mercure Lamp is a tactile, interactive lighting design by the French designer Luc…
A 2013 winner of Premio Lapiz de Acero, the Basketlamp is a shapely lighting solution…
The skylights may look real, but they’re actually a recent innovation in artificial l…
Based in Los Angeles, the interdisciplinary studio wrk-shp designs lighting and archi…
The Paragon Pendant by Allied Makers exudes all of the characteristics that the New-Y…
Kin Kao Thai Kitchen is a new eatery in Vancouver, Canada. Led by the Bangkok-born ch…
This gorgeous suspended lamp looks like it’s made of metal, but only the frame is fas…
The Plank Lamp is by Max Voytenko of Line Studio, an office based in Russia. The susp…