Living in a peaceful home in the middle of nature is a dream shared by many city dwel…
Built in a clearing surrounded by trees and ponds on a 2,000-acre ranch in Big Timber…
In this beautiful house located in the mountain village of Gaucín in Spain, work, lei…
This beautiful single-family home in South Korea features an innovative take on the t…
Designed with a modern yet rural aesthetic, the Tinhouse truly looks at home on the p…
Standing on the terrace of this family residence in Marin County, California, one mig…
Designed with dynamic curves, clean lines, and numerous ‘green’ features, this modern…
The Jungle House: An Architectural Masterpiece Harmoniously Merging Home and Nature
Built at the beginning of the 20th century and left unoccupied for years, this two-st…
While designing with the environment in mind can be limiting for some, ARKÍS architec…