In the picturesque region of Matarraña, Spain, a plot of land measuring 100 acres con…
Inspired by the iconic Farnsworth House, the Road Runner Residence pays homage to Mie…
This quaint dwelling is located near a forest, on the outskirts of the Lány village i…
Prefab homes offer numerous advantages over traditional houses, which explains why th…
Designing contemporary house extensions that complement an existing structure and als…
Located in a secluded area of Sant Francesc de Formentera, the largest village and ca…
Compact but cozy and bright, SH House provides just 484 square feet of living space. …
Traditional homes from the Southern Moravia region in the Czech Republic have a disti…
Located in the former Jewish quarter of Mikulov (Nikolsburg) in Czech Republic, this …
Located somewhere north of the village of Westouter in Belgium, this modern structure…