




A Family Apartment for an Art Collector in Brazil

This family apartment was created by architect Consuelo Jorge for an art collector in…

A Spacious Home for an Exten...

The SHR House is a large gray home created by Sun Tan Architects Studio in Hachioji, …

Island Getaway Home in Portu...

Old ruins have an undeniable beauty and power. When architects use them as a main des…

Angular Urban Home in Catani...

Dubbed Casa SG, this home in in Catania, Italy, plays with angles in what the archite…

Simply Open: A Fluid Apartme...

Renovated by Sinato Architects, this apartment was opened up to suit a couple in Fuji…

Blackbird: A Barn-Inspired H...

Dubbed Blackbird, this barn-inspired home was built on a rural site in the municipali…

A Dramatic Extension for a V...

Scale of Ply is an asymmetrical extension for a Victorian home in Dublin, Ireland. Th…

Niop Hacienda: An Enchanting...

Called the Niop Hacienda, this historical building was recently renovated by both AS …

Beachy SilverWoodHouse in Po...

SilverWoodHouse is the first commissioned project by the young architect Ernesto Pere…

Triangular Summer Getaway Ho...

Architect Leo Qvarsebo of Equator Stockholm designed this summer home in Dalarna, Swe…

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Maison Ferndale

Viglostasi by Block722

Pyramid House

The CW&T M.R. Tape Dispenser

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