geometric designs

geometric designs

geometric designs

geometric designs

geometric designs

Combined Bookshelf and Bikestand

Chol1 is a young Chilean brand dedicated to creating high-style furniture for cyclist…

Cork and Steel End Tables

Basil is a series of cork and steel end tables designed by Arthur Leitner for La Peti…

Luxury Catch-all Pencil Hold...

This striking geometric office accessory was designed by Frederic Saulou for the new …

Wooden Peg Wall

Designed by Merge Architects, a firm based in Boston, the Peg Wall was built for a pr…

Geometric DNA Bench

Designed in collaboration between Deborah Mansur and Leonardo Rossano of True Design,…

Chocolate LEGO Bricks by Aki...

This sweet design began as part of a Valentine’s Day tradition among Japanese designe…

Wallmonds Hanger Frame with ...

Designed by Gonçalo Campos, the Wallmonds Hanger Frame comes in two versions, one hor…

Found Object Mosaic Mandalas

The Mosaic Mandala Series: Native Utah Elements is a collection of found object desig…

Picture Frame Chair

Designed by Ola Giertz for the Swedish company Materia , Frame is a chair with an op…

Modular Desk Organizer by Wo...

Designed by Daniel Garcia and Maria Vargas of Woodendot, Kesito is a modular desk org…

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We Rural Country House

Prima Casa

Red Hill House and Studio

Green House: A Lush Haven in an Urban Landscape

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