A heartfelt project that uses the concepts of high-end design to make both dogs and t…
I might describe Peter Shire as an artist and designer, and he would, in all probabil…
Danish designer Søren Rose Kjær—known as Søren Rose—is a percipient entrepreneur, fur…
For a small nation, Sweden is a big hitter in many arenas: music (Eurovision, ABBA), …
“Berlin helps us stay open-minded. Berlin is our home.” Objekte Unserer Tage, or “Obj…
This clever creation by Bratislava Academy of Fine Arts and Design student Petr Badur…
Puglia, otherwise known as Apulia, lies in the Southeast of Italy with over 800 km of…
Japan, home to nearly a 10th of the world population, has long been praised as a powe…
Montréal-based lighting design studio Lambert & Fils makes their US debut with th…
A_LIGHT is a handcrafted lamps collection manufactured by the Danish design company A…