




Modern cottages take the warmth of rustic dwellings and combine it with the refinement of contemporary design. On this page, you can browse through architectural projects that showcase a wide range of designs and styles. Whether heavily inspired by traditional farmhouses, renovated thoughtfully to celebrate vernacular architecture, or designed with modern silhouettes, these cottages are all envisioned as cozy living spaces that offer a calm retreat space away from urban environments. Here you can find projects completed throughout the US as well as modern cottages built in Scandinavian countries, Italy, Portugal, or Canada.

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Most Viewed

Hop Cottage

A renovation and extension project that transformed an old cottage into a modern home…


A charming red-painted wood house that pays homage to an 1850s soldier’s cottage buil…

Nieby Crofters Cottage

A 120-year-old brick cottage, carefully renovated and redesigned with contemporary in…

Camp Frio

A family retreat designed with three volumes that enclose a grassy courtyard.

Shack in the Rocks

A creative twist on rustic hay sheds.
Built among large boulders on the slope of a h…

The Eagle’s Nest

A camp bunkhouse inspired by nature and children’s drawings.
Located in the middle o…

The Bakkedraget Cottage

A refined, modern reinterpretation of a Danish cottage from 1905.
Built in 1905 in D…

Island Cottage

A gorgeous renovation and extension of a 19th-century dwelling.
Built in 1830 in a c…

Plaster Fun House

A colorful house extension inspired by Art Deco.
Australian architecture firm Sans-A…

A Rustic Cottage Transformed...

Built on a plot of land among tall conifers at the northern point of Archambault Lake…

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Conversations with Simone Bossi: Beyond the Lens and Into the Soul

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