




Concrete Accessories And Furniture Designed By Concrete Cat

Striking, artistic, and one of a kind. The concrete accessories and decorative object…

The Gorgeous 4D Automatic Co...

fter the successful launch of the 4th Dimension timepiece in 2015, Taipei-based 22 De…

A Modern Concrete House Desi...

Located on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, this modern concrete house overlooks a beau…

Masonic Concrete Watch

One-of-a-kind and beautifully made, the concrete watch by San Francisco-based Aggrega…

Concrete Photobook By Gábor...

Photography books usually have a cover that represents the content in one image. But …

En Concreto By Liliana Ovalle

Inspired by the use of concrete in modernist architecture, the “En Concreto” collecti…

Curl Up + Vases By Rita Kora...

Much like the Dome + Lamp, the Curl Up + vases designed by Paper Up! founder Rita Kor…

Casa Tiny

Imagine waking up in a room with a stunning view, eating your breakfast on a terrace,…

Atrium House By Tham & ...

Both vernacular agricultural architecture and a distinctive landscape provided the in…

Solis House

uilt within a striking natural landscape on Hamilton Island, Australia, the Solis hou…

Staff Picks

Kocanda Kravsko II

The Ross Farm

Noaste Noaber, Birdhouses Designed for Social Birds

The Andres Reisinger Studio in Barcelona

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