Created for DesignbyThem by artists Nicholas Karlovasitis and Sarah Gibson, Them Chai…
This sleek new piece of furniture from Montreal-based designers Loïc Bard and Nicolas…
Collaboratively designed by the Swedish brands Swedese and Nudie Jeans, this special …
The Macadamia Chair is an open source piece of furniture by the Mexican designer Cynt…
Called “Quartz,” this ethereal beauty is actually made of resin and white ash. The tr…
The Kali chair was collaboratively designed by Jasper Morrison and the Swedish compa…
Drawing from Irish tradition, shipwright Mathew O’Malley and architect Andrew Clancy …
Embracing Touch is a collection of sculptural seating by the Lithuanian designer Mari…
Called the Landa Chair, this DIY product was designed by the Spanish studio Silvia Ce…
The first piece of furniture by Montreal-based design studio Designarium, Exocet is a…