Age-old principles of fine craft and good design translate fluidly between various pr…
Raw yet refined, simple and bold, the classic D’Hauteville Concrete Chair is back in …
“Inactivity seems to be the disease of today,” observes Parisian designer Benoit Malt…
This clever creation by Bratislava Academy of Fine Arts and Design student Petr Badur…
We sit more than we realize: at work, during meals, on the phone, in the car, while w…
The days of the prestigious corner office are long over, because the way we work has …
While its simple and reduced form suggests an aesthetically-motivated design, Frederi…
Andalusia is well-known for a rich artistic history that brought some of the greatest…
Inspired by the historic Roorkhe chair used by the British military in India at the t…
This sleek and functional design from Japanese designer Mikiya Kobayashi is an unconv…