




Most Viewed

Horiz-ontal By Davide D’Elia

For many, it may come as a surprise to learn that a range of talented artists have cr…

The Jungle House

The Jungle House: An Architectural Masterpiece Harmoniously Merging Home and Nature

The Botanique Hotel and Spa

The design of the Botanique Hotel and Spa located in Bairro dos Mellos, Campos do Jor…

A Family Apartment for an Ar...

This family apartment was created by architect Consuelo Jorge for an art collector in…

CAA Residence: A Summer Home...

The CAA Residence is an attachment to a summer home in Angra dos Reis, a municipality…

The Meaning of Copper Wires ...

Presented at this year’s Design Weekend São Paulo, Project Brazil is a collaborative …

Tiny Summer Home Clad in Blue

Built on a farm in the country outside of São Paulo, Brazil, the OZ House is a tiny h…

Harmonia Apartment in São P...

The Harmonia Apartment was created by the WHYDESIGN collective for a young couple fro…

Renovation for a Two-Story H...

Renovation projects are hard enough the first time around, but Studio GGA accepted a …

GT House by Studio Guilherme...

GT House is a studio for the artistic individual, and its black exterior decorated by…

Staff Picks

Viglostasi by Block722

Villa Uliveto

The Vipp Rubbish Bin

Four Sustainable Cabins Built on a French Estate

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