Art provides a powerful tool for social and political activism. 1000 Gestalten proved…
Imagine waking up in a world where there’s nothing on the news. Nothing in the newspa…
After supporting artist Guido van Helten, who created the world’s largest reconfigura…
Bold and arresting, the artworks created by Damián Ortega transform simple objects in…
Originally trained as an architect but keeping art as his first love, Mexican artist …
Among the scorching sand dunes of Dubai, a spectacular and truly eye-catching artwork…
If you love art and happen to be in NYC this April/May, you should definitely drop by…
Last year, Berlin-based artist Nairy Baghramian created new art pieces from some of h…
Furniture maker, artist and designer Benjamin Nordsmark likes to create thought-provo…
ou’ve probably never seen a Mac like this before. Created by Monsieur Plant, the ‘Pla…