In Bratislava, Solvakia Peter Simonik and Elena Bolcekova opened design studio ALLT to present interesting furniture pieces, each telling their own unique story.
Everyday at the crack of dawn our grandfathers faithfully sat below the cows, milk running down their wrist, souring their jacket sleeves. Running their rough working hands over warm utters with a gentle tug, they hummed to the tunes of milk spitting into the metal bucket with a satisfying echo. Our culture is quite distant from those days. Our connections to the way it was done back when are pretty much a vapor.
The Manual Stool brings us closer to stories like the ones told by Laura Ingles. The plump cushion comes in white, much like milk or blue, much like water. Though we may not be fetching water from the well to wash the dishes, we are given the opportunity to interact with such historic objects in our homes again.