We all know drinking plenty of water is important, yet most of us are also guilty of not keeping track of our intake. Not drinking enough water can have an impact on sleep patterns, exercise performance, cognitive function, and mood. The LVL band aims to make this crucial daily activity easier and more efficient than ever before by providing a highly accurate way to check hydration levels in real-time and offering the advice necessary to keep the body at optimum levels. The band is the brainchild of BSX Athletics CEO and founder Dr. Dustin Freckleton, who wanted to create a product that would help people stay healthy. The revolutionary LVL features a near-infrared light technology to monitor dehydration and track the heart rate, with readings which are 10 times more accurate compared to green light products. A Bluetooth-enabled app offers info throughout the day, alerting the wearer when hydration levels are low and suggesting the amount of water needed to get back on track. The app is also designed to adapt to the specific exercise and sleep patterns of the user and adjust the notifications accordingly. Designed by the world-renowned frog studio, LVL is modern, minimalist and subtle, so it can be easily worn throughout the day. BSX Athletics’ Kickstarter campaign has been a tremendous success, with over $725,000 pledged from the $50,000 goal and 25 days still remaining at the time of writing. If you want to get your hands on the LVL band before the rest of the world (and at a reduced price), back the campaign here. Photo credits: BSX Athletics.