“Horace and the Rough Stuff Fellowship” is a 14-minute documentary short film shot by Sebastian Doerk. Exploring 80 years of cycling in Iceland, the video introduces viewers to astronomer and stargazer Horace Dall, adventurer Dick Phillips, and cyclist Harold Phillips. The first to cross the Sprengisandur by bicycle, Horace travelled with the help of a boat in 1933. Years later, Dick Phillips and his friends in the Rough Stuff Fellowship crossed the plateau with nothing by bikes. Most recently, Harold Phillip rode through the rocky terrain and had the experience captured on camera. Although somewhat worn down by tourism, the landscape is still breathtaking today. Doerk’s film does well to show the mountains from long, aerial, and point of view shots and to contextualize the natural sights within history, as told through voiceover and interview. Watch it all on Vimeo.