A unique form of graffiti is invading the street art scene. Living green varieties have been created into shapes of woodland creatures including bunnies, fawns, moose, birds, turkeys. These flat gardens are an attempt to bring us closer to nature. The idea here is to connect, to touch the piece, to think about it being alive, consider watering it, or maybe watching it die in our neglect. In the words of Hungarian artist Edina Tokodi, “I think that our distance from nature is already a cliche. City dwellers often have no relationship with animals or greenery. As a public artist I feel a sense of duty to draw attention to deficiencies in our everyday life.”  We love her partialness to Brooklyn on the line, covering the map with a pad of moss, only to expose a heart window around her hometown.


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I find a way to fearlessly provoke your senses and take you by the heart to whatever it is I’m writing about. My sweet spot is creative writing, but for the last 20 years I have been providing freelance content for publications on sustainability and green practices, design, architecture, fashion, and non-profit charity. Recently all wrapped up in producing my first book. I have bounced from NYC to Indianapolis, but my true home is a lovely small town in Central Pennsylvania where there’s a legit drive-your-tractor-to-school-day.

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