“Eat Love Budapest” is a multisensory performance project and experience created by Marije Vogelzang, the whole concept is to bring two strangers together and have this unique encounter under completely anonymous circumstances while performing a series of intimate actions. Throughout the 3 day performance, 10 Roma women were invited to participate, each of them chose foods that had special meaing to them and prepared to share stories, memories and songs with the stranger they are paired up with. Each wearing a different scent, it gives the visitors a total one of a kind experience since each of these women have experienced different things in their lives. Visitors are led into a small tent decorated in a child play reminiscent manner with drawings, pieces of writing, photos, recipes or anything else the Roma woman desired. The visitors are then seated; the only things in their vision are the Roman woman’s hand, legs and feet. From that view, visitors are able to watch the woman prepare the food and be fed while listening to guitar playing music in the background and her life stories. This extremely intimate experience is in celebration of the individuality and beauty inherent in the life of each person, including the countless nameless strangers we bypass each and every day.
watch the video