A palace of black and white, Delin Boiler Room displays much more majesty than its name would suggest. The industrial dirt has been swept off this gem of a space by Stack + Co. in the renovation project for a graphic design office and private residence, originally the boiler room of a jewelry manufacturing company in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. The black accents on the window mullions, the stair’s railings and underbelly, and kitchen furnishings provide a regal contrast to the icy white walls and frosty glass panels that guard another set of stairs. Opposing a pure dichotomy of saturation are metal fixtures from the building’s history and dark wooden panels that add an element of warmth. Holistically, the space evokes the sophistication of a chessboard, with each piece carefully positioned with purpose and imbued with solemnity and class.
via – Photographs © Aaron Usher III