A photography series that captures beauty in black and white.
Based in Czech Republic, Adam Kencki photographs the people, the things, and the world around him, often in black and white. In the ‘Darkness at the Fingertips’ series, the images feature simple everyday moments, portraits, or natural landscapes. Apart from their shared gray-scale palette, the photos also have something deeper in common. They provide a glimpse not into the lives of others, but into the life of the photographer. It’s an intimate look at the world from the perspective of the artist who captures glimpses of spontaneous moments. This concept is clearer in the close-up portraits. At the same time, the coastal landscapes, urban spaces, or images of the countryside paint a portrait of the beauty of the world in a simple and relatable way.
Thanks to the use of classic black and white film, Adam Kencki showcases beauty through shadow and light while allowing the important details to shine through. Here, the personal character of memories and universal concepts share the spotlight. Photographs© Adam Kencki.