Allon Libermann & Hye Jin Ahn

Stockholm, Sweden

Allon Libermann is from Boston, USA, while Hye Jin Ahn is from Seoul, South Korea. Based in Stockholm, Sweden, the two designers are part of the Form Us With Love team. When not working for the international design studio, the designers collaborate on their own projects for design-focused brands. Meeting regularly in cafes around the city during the weekends, they work on their designs one step at a time. While Allon Libermann has an ability to translate abstract ideas and concepts into practical products, Hye Jin Ahn has a finely tuned aesthetic eye, knowledge of materials, and attention to detail. So far, their projects include practical crystal glass rulers and the ingenious Aluminum Ruler. Both designs revolutionize the classic tool with creatives in mind.


Industrial Design


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The Aluminum Ruler

Designed with designers in mind.
While they’re a must-have item for designers and ar…

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The Kudo Chair


The Karman Atmosphere Lighting Collection’s Ode to Nature and Elegance

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