Man, these 3D graphics by Chris Labrooy are seriously messing with my brain. In Auto Aerobics spit-shine fine rides are showing us what they are really made of, kissing their biceps pointing us to the gun show. They are tricked out and hollowed out, finding themselves in shapes and positions that are quirky and nothing like we ever would have thought of. Set in an urban neighborhood, classic style cars in their bestest condition, painted in creamy shades.  Now that is phat, take note of the “ph.”


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I find a way to fearlessly provoke your senses and take you by the heart to whatever it is I’m writing about. My sweet spot is creative writing, but for the last 20 years I have been providing freelance content for publications on sustainability and green practices, design, architecture, fashion, and non-profit charity. Recently all wrapped up in producing my first book. I have bounced from NYC to Indianapolis, but my true home is a lovely small town in Central Pennsylvania where there’s a legit drive-your-tractor-to-school-day.

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