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Bird’s Eye View – Navid Baraty

Taufik Sudjatnika’s Ph...


Taufik Sudjatnika has lead us by the hand to visit the rural streets of Indonesia. Th…

Chris Jordan – American Ma...


Capturing the unquantifiable scale of his nation’s consumerism, American photographer…

Where the Internet Lives by ...


Because we typically treat the Google search engine as a magic box of infinite answer…

Belongings, A Photo Series by Huang Qingjun

Somewhere in the Middle of N...

Art, Photography

The image of tumbleweed blowing in the wind is an iconic representation of the abando…

Steve McQueen: KING OF COOL ...

Art, Photography

We love a rebel, and for this reason, Steve McQueen, known for his anti-hero film rol…

Bob Croslin’s Bird Ser...

Art, Photography

The piercing images of Bob Croslin are majestic. These birds are showcased in their n…

Oldtimer Calendar by Mirko Frank

Axiom and Simulation by Mark...

Art, Photography

Mathematics is often interpreted as the art of numbers, but it is a rarer occasion by…

“Deep North” by ...

Art, Photography

A creative genius combination of photography, drawing, sculpture and video brings us …

The Edge Effect by Daniel Ku...

Art, Photography

What kind of reality would emerge if Georgia O’Keefe were to meet René Magritte? In h…

“Alienation” by Graziano Panfili

Space Shuttle Endeavour’s ...


Ben Cooper used to be an official NASA photographer.  Currently he freelances allowin…

Baltimore Warehouse, Alex La...

Art, Photography

In a series of work that interrogates the meaning of street art, photographer Alex La…

“Bike like a New Yorker”...

Art, Photography, Two Wheels

TV commercials are so last decade! Instead of watching a four-wheel drive navigating …

Analogue Photo Printing + iPhone = Impossible

Photography by Kevin Van Ael...

Art, Photography

New Haven-based artist Kevin Van Aelst makes photographs of mundane objects staged in…

“The Voracity” by Anna W...

Food and Drink, Photography

“The Voracity” is a photographic and conceptual journey that requires commitment to g…

Photography by Ákos Major


Long has proper use of white space been on the minds of graphic designers, architects…

Staff Picks

RVTK House

Reflector, A Modular Light Installation

The Sand Chair

Deer Park House

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