An architectural project that weaves a thread between past, present and future on the…
Protected as a historic building, this 1954 modernist gem has remained true to its or…
Bursts of color, geometric forms, playfulness, and an abundance of natural light comb…
A thoughtfully designed house that supports both multi-generational and assisted livi…
How Franklin Azzi’s innovative food stand marries tradition and modernity at the foot…
The Quiet Revolution of Alpine Homes: A Journey into the Architectural Poetry of Ginn…
A modern Japanese house designed with a compact footprint and a blend of live/work sp…
A 1970s house, thoughtfully redesigned to accentuate the original design’s modernist …
A Victorian terraced house, transformed into a modern patio house that provides a blu…
A weekend retreat designed with patterned brick walls that give a nod to traditional …
A prefabricated, mobile sauna designed to be easy to install virtually anywhere.
Bright yellow accents charmingly connect this weekend home with surrounding sunflower…
A thoughtful conversion of an old farmhouse and barn into a home and studio.
A brick and concrete house that opens to a coastal landscape through a glazed facade….
A compact home with a courtyard garden, built in a leafy neighborhood of Auckland, Ne…