Black Cloud, a simple but sprawling installation by artist Carlos Amorales, debuted a…
A classic Orwellian quotation reads, “All animals are equal but some animals are more…
Jason D’Aquino’s work strongly suggests two things about him: he is a miniaturist and…
Long has proper use of white space been on the minds of graphic designers, architects…
September 8th, an exhibit of Fritz Panzer’s new work will open at Alberta Pane Galler…
At $5 a pack, art is a now an easy-access commodity that can be purchased through a s…
The natural earth and its challenges push human capabilities, and the wetlands of Sou…
Kumi Yamashita proves simplicity is key by using just paper and light as her mediums….
It does not take a numbers genius to enjoy art, and even amateur arithmeticians can a…
North Auckland’s Gibbs Farm is visually arresting in and of itself: the land is on Ka…
How does one travel thousands of miles to the other side of the world without taking …
Ever get kitchen envy from interior decorating magazines? Photographer Erik Klein Wol…
In 2010, artist Rodney LaTourelle and landscape architect Thilo Folkerts of 100 Lands…
Snapshots or snapdragons? It’s all the same to Brazilian artist André Feliciano, a se…
Laura and Ryan of Smith & Ratliff bring a fresh perspective to New York’s bike de…