Spring just can’t come fast enough. I beg to get my hands back in the dirt planting s…
Cerise Doucede of Paris, France has arranged this intriguing series of photograph pri…
For an ordinary object, can the sum of its parts greater than its whole? Julian Sterz…
Everyone has always been quick to associate the future as shiny, metallic, with extre…
A step back in time-space to Italy during the 1960s would reveal a revolutionary art …
Ripe and wonderful, Colourful Winter prints enlighten us with a playful take on healt…
Zoological Universe is a spectacular reinventing of the constellations, galaxies and …
The pitter patter of rain on a narrow cobblestone street, glitters, gathers into pudd…
It is difficult to define a relationship between politics and art. Portraits were ori…
I had just moved to New York, and looking at the subway map was like decrypting an an…
World-renowned architect Frank Gehry is most often recognized for his architectural w…
Love. It’ll tear you to pieces. Make a fool out of you. Knock you right off your feet…
After a long and exhilarating day playing in the ocean, I laid in my bed at my grandm…
Unraveling the world famous poetry by Italian Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) opens one’s…
What would you do with 33,077 feet of fishing line? Endless fishing trips could be an…