Despite its familiarity, the playfulness of a Jeff Koons sculpture never fails to evo…
One might mistake Eckart Hahn’s hyper-realistic paintings to be photographs, though o…
With all the buzz on gun control, some turn to a more regressive note. The Comfort Gu…
Even the most adamant opponent to crawling critters might experience a change of hear…
This one is for those Arrested Development fans out there. When you think ideas can’t…
Juxtaposition is a comedic device, but perhaps never used to the extent as demonstrat…
What Ai Weiwei considers sacred is for the audience to discover through his six-part …
Photographer Gray Malin is well familiar with getting a new perspective on things, es…
By calling upon the capabilities of sugar as the edible glass, Amélia Desnoyer create…
Far removed from Rodin’s realistic portrayal of the philosophical soul on La Porte de…
Design has the power to elevate ordinary materials from their typical cultural status…
Don’t expect to find the ordinary park bench among Thor ter Kulve’s creations. In Pub…
Grotesque and shocking, Animal Equality presents human meat, fresh packaged from the …
Way out there where the air smells fresh, the trees are dense, and cell phones only w…
Remember the good old school days of book reports and dioramas? Chinese artist Zhang …