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Gardens of Blooms by André Feliciano

Abandoned Bikes in New York ...

Around the World, Art, Two Wheels

Laura and Ryan of Smith & Ratliff bring a fresh perspective to New York’s bike de…

Still Life: “Smaklöst” ...


With a dash of humor and a pinch of gumption, Swedish artist Fideli Sundqvist serves …

Pattern and Masses by Claudi...

Art, Photography

Claudia Rogge deviates from her traditional fascination with patterns and the masses …

Yasutoki Kariya’s Take on Newton’s Cradle

Tokyo Skytree Mural by teamL...


Tokyo Skytree, which opened its doors to the public this past May, is currently the t…

Döttling Colosimo PopArt Ca...

Art, Design

German safe manufacturer Döttling’s “Colosimo”—named after the legendary Chicago mob …

Umbrella Art Installation by...

Around the World, Art

These candy-colored umbrellas suspended over an Águeda street are present rain or shi…

Stitched Illustrations by Peter Crawley

Sponge Popsicles by PUTPUT

Art, Design

PUTPUT takes its cue from the time-tested airplane-spoon baby food trick with their n…

Sprue Candelabra by Fort Sta...

Art, Design

We are not new to the amazing work of Gregory Buntain and Ian Collings of Fort Standa…

Molecular Art by David Goods...


Artistic scientist David Goodsell provides an etymological explanation for his new se…

Tube by Zilvinas Kempinas

Attaboys by Gregor Gaida


Dark, aggressive and elegantly beautiful, the aluminum sculptures of Gregor Gaida cap…

Kevin McNamee-Tweed: ROC-KS


Rocks and black markers: a recipe for art? Kevin McNamee strips creativity down to th…

Bicycle by Ugo Gattoni


It’s extraordinary how a pair of wheels can take a person to such mind-blowing and im…

Garden of Sounds in Montieri by Paul Fuchs

Bent Objects by Terry Border


You know those moments when time is as sluggish as a snail and all you can do is star…

Shaun O’Connor


I love the bold statements seen within the work of Shaun O’Connor. His creations are …

Van Painting Series by Kevin...


The passion for the graffiti art and rust plastered all over some vehicles in the cit…

Staff Picks

Virtual Tour of Richard Neutra’s Iconic VDL House Now Available

Locanda Casa Vecie

Ft Greene Townhouse

The Aeschi School

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