With a dash of humor and a pinch of gumption, Swedish artist Fideli Sundqvist serves …
Claudia Rogge deviates from her traditional fascination with patterns and the masses …
Art student Yasutoki Kariya of Tokyo’s Musashino Art University designed this take on…
German safe manufacturer Döttling’s “Colosimo”—named after the legendary Chicago mob …
These candy-colored umbrellas suspended over an Águeda street are present rain or shi…
Simplicity can be beautiful, and UK-based artist Peter Crawley endorses this truth in…
We are not new to the amazing work of Gregory Buntain and Ian Collings of Fort Standa…
Artistic scientist David Goodsell provides an etymological explanation for his new se…
Zilvinas Kempinas wipes the cobwebs away of this old age technology and uses VHS tape…
Rocks and black markers: a recipe for art? Kevin McNamee strips creativity down to th…
It’s extraordinary how a pair of wheels can take a person to such mind-blowing and im…
The hills are alive with the sound of music. In Maremma, 75-year-old Paul Fuchs, a fo…
I love the bold statements seen within the work of Shaun O’Connor. His creations are …
The passion for the graffiti art and rust plastered all over some vehicles in the cit…
Born in Porto Alegre, Brazil, Diego Fagundes is an architect at the Federal Universit…