One person’s trash is another’s treasure. Vik Muniz, known for seeing the potential i…
Klaus Lichtenegger is a self-proclaimed “Materialist.” He claims this title with the …
Hagar Vardimon-van Heummen has dedicated her studio Happy Red Fish to this simple sta…
Joana Vasconcelos has imagined up the most entertaining exhibit called Lilicoptere ju…
The poignancy and precision of Japanese tea ceremonies can be quite beautiful, and th…
A unique form of graffiti is invading the street art scene. Living green varieties ha…
The groundhog didn’t see his shadow this weekend, promising us some warm spring air s…
A glamorous production of handmade ceramic by Irish artist Nuala O’Donovan will take …
Spring just can’t come fast enough. I beg to get my hands back in the dirt planting s…
For an ordinary object, can the sum of its parts greater than its whole? Julian Sterz…
Everyone has always been quick to associate the future as shiny, metallic, with extre…
A step back in time-space to Italy during the 1960s would reveal a revolutionary art …
Zoological Universe is a spectacular reinventing of the constellations, galaxies and …
The pitter patter of rain on a narrow cobblestone street, glitters, gathers into pudd…
It is difficult to define a relationship between politics and art. Portraits were ori…