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A Flowering Theory

Transfer by Kevin Corrado

Art, Photography

Photographer Kevin Corrado’s Transfer is a series inspired by the idea of representin…

Caroline Slotte’s China Pl...


Caroline Slotte is a Finnish artist interested in found objects. Her work features se…

88 Ways of Looking at the De...

Architecture, Art, Photography

The Deutscher Kaiser, a hotel in Munich, is the subject of photographer Victor Enrich…

Stolen Rum’s Cargo Bike Bars


Art, Good Causes, Photography

From 2011 to the present day, photographer Brian McCarty has been travelling to confl…

Pure Evil Collection By Roya...


They painted the city with emotion. Splashed a few subliminal messages in your face, …

Archicine by Federico Babina

Art, Italians do it better

Illustrator Federico Babina’s “archicine” brings in details from actual film sets and…

SUSO33 Mural of People in Madrid

Brett Kern Ceramics


Hang onto your hat…a stampede of prehistoric and extra terrestrial beings are comin…

Klemet Environmental Theatre

Architecture, Art

The Klemet Environmental Theatre by Bjørnådal Arkitektstudio honors a hero of fine ar…

Piston Head: Artists Engage ...

Art, Four Wheels

Piston Head: Artists Engage the Automobile is a collection of artfully rebuilt and pa…

Lucid Stead: an Illusion by Phillip K Smith III

Chris Labrooy Presents Auto ...


Man, these 3D graphics by Chris Labrooy are seriously messing with my brain. In Auto …

Light Channels by Bill FitzG...


In Birmingham, Alabama the 18th Street underpass has been officially pizazzed by a pr…

Luigi Prina’s Flying Ships

Art, Italians do it better

Blinking City is a love letter to creative people, places, and process, and they’d li…

Botanical Street Art in Besancon, France by SpY

Aldo Tolino

Art, Photography

Portraits by Austrian artist Aldo Tolino presents whole new way of looking at things….

Rod Penner


Hyper realistic paintings by Rod Penner take us on a road trip through Texas Hill Cou…

Fukita Pavilion by Ryue Nish...

Architecture, Art

A graceful place for restoration extends between tree trunks. In elegant lines it’s a…

Staff Picks

Introducing the CLAE Appleskin™ Sneaker Capsule

The Kelleveld House

Green House: A Lush Haven in an Urban Landscape

The Arbor House

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