An old silk factory, converted into a hostel with minimalist interiors.
Dating back …
A special, limited-edition incarnation of an iconic turntable.
In 1973, Ivor Tiefenb…
Creating imaginary spaces that linger on the border between dreaming and wakefulness….
An extension that unifies a kitchen and dining area, immersing both into a garden.
An all-purpose, all-terrain bike designed to take you from city streets to mountain t…
A fascinating space that keeps solidity, lightness, structure, and materiality in per…
A Fusion of Design and Sustainability: Meet the New BMW Bike That’s Electrifying City…
A stylish collection of outdoor furniture designed with lightweight frames and organi…
Barns from the 16th century, beautifully restored and redesigned with great respect f…
An inspiring project that merges two living spaces into one volume that also pays hom…
A minimalist concrete house designed like a private shelter that opens to the sky.
Intricacies of ‘Super Normal’, Crafting Emotion through User Experience, and the Purs…
Peel Chair: Sculpting Plywood into Fluid Elegance
The design world continuously embr…
An Architectural Ballet of Light, Color and Nature Transforms a North London Residenc…
A series of abstract paintings that celebrate the wild beauty of an active volcano on…